Wednesday 17 September 2008

Architecture 2030

Today in Studio Theory Hour there was a guest speaker who came to talk about sustainability and its importance. Our guest speaker was named John Lynn and he was very informative on national preservation of energy. He introduced his ideas in a way that appealed to the audience in a unique way. One of the first things he brought up was a rhetoric question: "What would you see if you were a fish?". Then he proceeded to show a series of slides about things that the average person wouldn't have thought of in response to this question. It was automatically interesting just to hear his point of view and this approach got my attention right away.
John Lynn introduced sustainability as an important issue that needs clarification and attention. He talked about the impact that humans have on the environment and what it would be like if we were not here on this Earth. He used and overall idea of a storm to illustrate his thought process on a close up basis as well as zooming out and looking at sustainability from different perspectives. The storm was an interesting analogy because he explained about how when a storm destroys a place it is also creating all along the way, it is designing something new with its own path. This is similar to what humans do. We tend to rebuild and rebuild new things but we don't always see what we are destroying along the way.
One thing I really liked about this presentation was that our guest speaker was very passionate about what he preached. He seemed like he honestly just wanted to get the message across that some things, that we as teenagers aren't educated about and probably never think about, can be very important minor details. These are the types of things that will make the world a better place as a whole.

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