Sunday 12 October 2008


This project involved skewers and bristol board again. The purpose in this model was to simply unity through more than one space. We had to use dialogue to bring unity into two spaces. I explored the relationships between 3d shapes. My precedents were patterns that I found online. One thing that I used in my graphic to represent a precedent was a puzzle. In our directions we were supposed to explore interrelationships between different elements. The puzzle was a more literal version of this aspect. I then looked into more complicated optical illusions and abstract patterns. I observed the way in which they were affected my positive and negative space, as well as proximity of elements. This model was tricky in that it was challenging to unite the two smaller spaces than the previous model which was not in two separate pieces. I ran into several problems in this project. The skewers were too long for several ways I tried to use them. It was also difficult to use the skewers without creating additional spaces to the 2 spaces we were required to have.

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